Sunday, 6 October 2013

On Consciousness and Militancy

There are 4 possible states for a population, in general, to have towards itself. Individuals regard themselves and those around them by different methods, ending up with some ideology that binds it all in some perspective. However, this will not be about the philosophical methods of analyzing and perceiving the world around you, but more about the consequences of whatever method it is used.
Note: the following consequences are not specific or exclusive to any ideology(ies), though there are certain schools of thought in which most members fit in a certain category.

Beforehand, I would like to introduce this 2 concepts that define a state of mind of an individual or of a group of them.
Consciousness: the condition of being conscious : the normal state of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you. (in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)
Militancy: the quality of having or showing a desire or willingness to use strong, extreme, and sometimes forceful methods to achieve something. (in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)
In other words, consciousness is your awareness about the world around you and militancy the degree of compromise (even through coercion) that you are ready to apply for a specific end.


In this first situation, which can be regarded as the worst combination, an individual has a very insufficient knowledge about philosophy, politics and economics (in general), but an extraordinarily high willingness to incur in action against any goal. People with this set in mind, are easily controllable and can be used as terrible weapons. It is an active aggressive stance that will lead to a very likely social disaster.

The second best or worst to have, since the absence of an increased militancy doesn't provide the weaponization of the affected individuals. These are in fact, what is commonly described as "sheeple", the best approximation to human livestock. They don't know, and promptly deny any form of action. This category is for the very true conformists, a passive aggressive stance, that allows ramping tyranny or collectivist rule. However, it must be said, that people with LC/LM are not to be expected to take by force so eagerly.

Again, the second best or worst scenario to have in a group of people. It is the combined effects of consciousness and militancy that'll give those in this class the true perks of an activist. People with HC/HM will gladly learn new things and just afterwards shout them out loud to other people, even driving them into action. Their militancy may seem to be neutralized by the level of consciousness, however their action is very likely one step ahead of their mind. Moreover, they reveal a somewhat solid knowledge in intellectual subjects which allow them to reason more than those who lack these competences. Finally they may be very useful or dangerous, with no certainty, however they are indeed not passive at all.

Finally, the image of the wise man in the armchair, the person that has a very satisfactory range of studies but that thinks more than acts. Every decision is very well balanced and thought, with a frequent use of debate as a method for self-improvement. Only acts with a very high degree of confidence on the idea, almost never rushing into a fight without an incredibly good reason. It may be regarded as the best type, since it preferably takes everything into consideration and avoids going berserk for some irrational motive.


Well, which one are you? Share your thoughts in the comment section below if you feel like it.

Let us slain the Leviathan that enslaves us and get back the freedom that was stolen from us at birth, but lets not rush into action without thinking. Good ideas definitely don't require force and the last century was a big and sad example, reason must come first in order to prevent disasters.

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